Worcester BID

shop eat play | live

Plenty Done

5 Years of Achievement

Navigation and Signage

A city, which is easier to navigate as a result of the fingerpost signage project.

Events and Marketing

A comprehensive and cohesive events and marketing programme throughout the year has increased profile and trade for the city.

Attracting High Profile Businesses

New high profile businesses have decided to invest in Worcester.


BID2 Consultation letter and form
Worcester BID2 Survey
Worcester BID Projects undertaken 2010 to 2014
Ballot Process – Vote ‘Yes’ for BID

A Safer City

A safer city centre with a Street Ranger and Taxi Marshall team, and increased office support to combat crime.

Collective Purchasing Power

Projects to reduce overheads have helped businesses costs in difficult times.

Parking incentives

Visitors can pay for parking easier and linger longer with employees enjoying cheaper car parking rates.


YESterday & Tomorrow

Worcester Bid Renewal 2015|2020

Ballot Period 31/10/2014 – 27/11/2014

Vote YES


