Worcester BID

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Business Directory

With a huge variety of businesses by size and sector in Worcester city centre, the following business directory will help you to find the business you want. Details not correct? Let us know at info@worcesterbid.com and we will put it right!

45 Friar Street, Worcester, WR1 2NA
Gala Club
20-21 Foregate Street
Galleria Italiana
19-21 Friar Street
63 Broad Street
Games Workshop
10a College Street
4 Friar Street
Gill Weelock-Lines
8 Friar Street
28 Foregate Street, Worcester
Goodlife Barbering
3 Cornmarket
Gourmet Burger Kitchen
5 Chapel Walk
Grape Tree
5 Mealcheapen Street, Worcester
Great British Wheelchair Basketball Association
Virginia House, The Butts, Worcester
Greenwood Projects Limited
30 New Street
Greggs Bakers (High St)
58 High Street
Greggs Bakers (The Shambles)
10 The Shambles
Greyfriars House & Garden (National Trust)
Friar Street
Grill and Flames
19 The Foregate
Guise Jones Sawyers
9 Edgar Street
Gwilliam Jones
7A Severn Street